[AIL MADRID 마드리드 어학원] ¡Alka came from India to study Spanish at AIL Madrid!

[AIL MADRID 마드리드 어학원] ¡Alka came from India to study Spanish at AIL Madrid!

A few months ago, we had the honor of having Alka, a journalist from India, among our Spanish students in Madrid.

In this interview, she shares her experience with our Spanish classes, the cultural activities, what she values the most about our native teachers, and she advices on her method to study Spanish and succeed.

We want to highlight the following phrase; it is something that Alka said at the interview in order to encourage our students to keep on trusting themselves and come to Madrid:

“You will get everything. People here will never make you feel unwanted or outsider!”

So, what are you waiting for? If you want to start your Spanish adventure with AIL Madrid right now, suscribe to our channel and check our webiste:

Spanish Language School in Madrid

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Click “Read More” to watch on Youtube

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