
[구인_헝가리] LG전자 헝가리 판매법인, Planning Assistant (1명, 성별무관)

2020-02-26 10:54
[구인_헝가리] LG전자 헝가리 판매법인, Planning Assistant (1명, 성별무관)
직종 경영기획 사무원
모집공고번호 E20200210017
모집인원 1명
연령 고용상 연령차별금지 및 고령자 고용촉진에 관한 법률이 시행됨에 따라 채용정보에서 연령이 삭제되었습니다.
국가 헝가리
  • 학력 대학(교) 졸업
  • 경력 무관
  • 자격면허
  • 외국어능력 필수 한국어(최상) : 업무수행가능  / 필수 영어(중상) : 업무수행가능  / 선택 헝가리어(중상) : 업무수행가능
주요업무내용 • Prepare analysis and performance evaluation in order to find the root reasons and give proper information to top management thus ensuring solid base for decision making.
• Assist preparing Annual Plan for HQ and EHQ
• Assist Moving Plan set-up on a monthly basis
• Do regular Risk Management reporting through exception management.
• Budget Management ( monitoring & controlling )
• Assist Monthly Closing
• Budget Management analysis
• Analyze Sales & Profit Trend by product and country
• Correspondence & Reporting (HQ,EHQ, Internal )
• Daily Report
• Renew all sales, inventory and profit data by country and by product in line with instructions
그 외 자격요건 • Experience in any of above R&R or in sales related environment
• English on communication level and fluent Korean speaking and writing skills
• Strong analytical skills
• Logical and proactive behavior
• Vigorous knowledge of excel and basic statistical knowledge
• Familiar with cross functional working environment
• Professional coordination skills
• Assertive communication skills
모집공고 URL https://www.worldjob.or.kr/advnc/epmtLink.do?joCrtfcNo=E20200210017&joCrtfcDsp=1&joCrtfcDspSn=1&menuId=1000002042
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